Le synopsis est juste en dessous.
12. Ada 202x Expressions Delta aggregates replace Spark update expressions:
procedure Adjust (R: in out Record_T; Fudge: Float) with Post => R = (R’Old with delta Low_Bound => Fudge * R’Old.Low_Bound , Hi_Bound => Fudge * R’Old.Hi_Bound );
All_Zero : constant Array_T := (others => 0); Mask : constant Array_T := (All_Zero with delta A .. B => 1, C .. D => 1); 8
14. Ada 202x Other possible features Let expressions Lambda functions 10
15. Ada 202x Other possible features Let expressions Lambda functions Generator subprograms (a limited form of co-routines) yield 0; −− Return to calling subprogram, resume execution here yield X; These are iterable: for Values of My_Generator loop −− First we get 0, then we get X, ... 10
16. Ada 202x Other possible features Let expressions Lambda functions Generator subprograms (a limited form of co-routines) yield 0; −− Return to calling subprogram, resume execution here yield X; These are iterable: for Values of My_Generator loop −− First we get 0, then we get X, ... Container aggregates and displays S : Hash_Set := (X, Y, Z); P : Hash_Set := (for N in Positive if Is_Prime (N) => N); 10
Les delta expressions sont juste des expressions pour dire "ne change que ça", si j'ai bien compris ?